our principles
The below listed principles are not listed in order of importance. All are equally important. These principles need to be pursued together as
a collective of values to guide our vision and the choices we make so that we may mitigate the environmental and social crisis of our times.
All our decisions are made in the context of the environmental crisis. We seek to do no harm. Wherever possible our acts should seek to
decrease the problem.
Maximum attention is given to product quality and innovation as defined by durability, minimum use of resources, non-obsolescence,
efficiency in the application to the task, ease of use, reliability and recycle ability. Simplifying products and systems is a primary focus
seeking the lowest common denominator and greatest efficiencies of design, installation, cost and function. We pledge our devotion to
high quality responsive customer service. We are committed to employee education, training and certification and recognize the vital
importance of these things to achieving innovation, quality and efficiency.
To help support other environmentally and community minded efforts we impose on ourselves an annual tax equal to 10% of profits for
which all proceeds will be granted to local community and environmental activism.
In our internal operations management will work as a group, and with maximum transparency. This includes an “open book” policy that
enables employees easy access to decisions, within normal boundaries of personal privacy and “trade secrecy.” At all levels of corporate
activity, we encourage open communications, a collaborative atmosphere and maximum simplicity, while we simultaneously seek
dynamism and innovation. Individual Responsibility We all pledge to work as a team.
At all levels of our operations we support activities that influence the larger corporate community to also adjust its behavior, & that
support, through activism & financially, grassroots and national campaigners who work to solve the current environmental & social crisis.
We seek to profit from our activities, but that is not our primary objective. Money is our fuel, not our goal. Growth and expansion are also
not primary goals. Our goal is to operate in a sustainable manner that will provide long term, high quality employment for all our
We all pledge to take a personal and caring approach in communications and to do so in a timely manner. Respectful, Generous and
Supportive Business Environment we all pledge to be respectful, generous and supportive of all employees, of the people we serve and all
those within our community.
We all pledge to be ethical and honest in our business practices.